Previous Speakers
Daniel Leising
Macht und Machtmissbrauch in der Wissenschaft - Bestandsaufnahme eines Reformprozesses
Susanne Täuber |
Bullying as a career tool in academia
Tilman Reitz
Patrick Wöhrle
& Rolf Nichelmann |
Evaluation und Reformbedürftigkeit befristeter Beschäftigung an deutschen Hochschulen
Björn Brembs |
The biggest threat to science today: the scholarly publishing system.
Rickard Carlsson
John Rauthmann
The future of Open Access? Insights from two Diamond Open Access journals
Ulrich Dirnagl
Implementing the Hong Kong Principles for assessing researchers: A report from the academic trenches
Angela Graf
Maria Keil |
Sound of silence – habitual and structural reasons for compliance in science
Mario Gollwitzer
Social dilemmas in science (and trust as a necessary ingredient to solve them)
Jana Lasser
Scientific freedom is not for everyone – how systemic flaws hamper the freedom of ECRs in Germany
Tobias Rosefeldt
Toxic professorality in the Lehrstuhl-familiy
Felix Schönbrodt
Quality assurance in academia: How to set up structures that prevent misconduct and foster good science
Benjamin van Rooij
Detoxing academic culture